continuing our energy efficiency and payment-assistance programs. During the year, we introduced a new bill format across all seven states we serve and launched a redesigned corporate website, a prelude to new sites for all our companies. The design offers quick, simple ways for customers to do business with us and get the information they need. In 2016, we also kept our appointment times 98 percent of the time. On the energy efficiency front, more than 1 million customers participated in our programs, saving approximately $12 million while maintaining or even increasing their home’s comfort. These programs, which include home energy audits and incentives for energy efficiency ENHANCING CUSTOMER SATISFACTION Our customers are the center of everything we do. And we’re focused on improving the way we serve our customers each day by incorporating service industry best practices to meet their needs and expectations. We’re fostering a customer-centric culture among employees, enhancing our processes and implementing new technologies to meet customers’ changing expectations and drive a top-tier customer experience. While we have work to do to achieve our goal of being among the top 25 percent of utility companies in customer satisfaction by year-end 2018, we are taking significant steps forward. ON COMPANY BUSINESS M E A S U R E M I L E S T O N E 2 0 1 6 S T A T U S 2 0 1 5 S T A T U S C U R R E N T P E R F O R M A N C E C U S T O M E R S A T I S F A C T I O N J . D . P O W E R R E S I D E N T I A L S C O R E O N - T I M E A P P O I N T M E N T R A T E 8 7 % Y E A R - E N D 2 0 1 7 I N D U S T R Y F I R S T Q U A R T I L E Y E A R - E N D 2 0 1 8 9 9 % Y E A R - E N D 2 0 1 7 8 7 % T H I R D Q U A R T I L E 9 8 % 8 7 % S E C O N D Q U A R T I L E 9 7 % O N T R A C K I M P R O V I N G W I T H I N D U S T R Y I N L I N E W I T H I N D U S T R Y A V E R A G E 8 home enhancements, also help to improve environmental performance. At the same time, our employees are donating their time to make our communities better places to live, work and play, and volunteered more than 13,500 hours at local nonprofits last year. The NiSource Charitable Foundation supports this engagement through its Dollars for Doers program, which recognizes employee volunteerism hours with charitable donations in the employee’s name. This volunteerism generated nearly $270,000 in donations in 2016. Across NiSource, giving back is part of our local community commitment, and in 2016 we contributed approximately $5.5 million to nonprofit organizations—including ~1 MILLION CUSTOMERS SERVED BY ENERGY EFFICIENCY PROGRAMS OUR EMPLOYEES ARE DONATING THEIR TIME TO MAKE OUR COMMUNITIES BETTER PLACES TO LIVE, WORK AND PLAY. NISOURCE EMPLOYEES VOLUNTEERED APPROXIMATELY 13,500 HOURS AT LOCAL NONPROFITS IN 2016. 9