Supporting Our Communities In this report, NiSource CEO Joe Hamrock is photographed on the steps of a recently completed Homeport home in Columbus, Ohio. Homeport is a private nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming lives by strengthening the home. Since its inception in 1987, Homeport has created a cornerstone of dignity, security and opportunity for thousands of central Ohio residents through quality affordable homes and strong communities. As part of its community engagement, NiSource supports Homeport and hundreds of other nonprofit organizations with financial support and volunteering. Across NiSource’s seven states, in 2016 we contributed approximately $5.5 million to nonprofit organizations in our communities, including $1.2 million in giving by the NiSource Charitable Foundation. $1.09 2016 NET OPERATING EPS* $1.02 2016 GAAP EPS $0.70 PER SHARE ANNUAL DIVIDEND $1.12 $1.18 2017 GUIDANCE* TO PER SHARE $1.6B $1.7B 2017 CAPITAL TO 5-7% ANNUAL EPS* & DIVIDEND THROUGH 2020 GROWTH RATE PROJECTED PROJECTED FOR 2017 INVESTMENTS Our Plan, Our Direction Our business plan is focused on proactively investing in our utility infrastructure—approximately $1.6 billion to $1.8 billion annually through 2020—to ensure we meet and improve upon our customer commitments now and in the decades ahead. 1 *Net operating earnings per share (non-GAAP); for a reconciliation to GAAP, see Schedule 1 on page 20; see also Regulation G statement on inside back cover.